To those who remember in silence, this post is dedicated to the women and men who suffer from pregnancy and infant loss. As well to those who suffer from loss in treatments of infertility.

Now you might have an idea why I chose to blog about this difficult topic.
Today is the remembrance day for those who suffer from pregnancy and infant loss. At this time, I reflect on the losses I have witnessed as a photographer for "Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep". Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep is an organization from the US. is run by volunteers who care deeply for those who suffer from pregnancy and infant loss. Through this organization, I provide complimentary portraiture for parents and family who are affected by infant loss. Each session of loss that I have captured has a story all it's own and no two stories are exactly alike. From the pregnancies that couldn't carry past 18 weeks right up to the full term babies who didn't get the chance to take their first breath. However, my "other work" isn't just about the pregnancies and their losses. I would like to add that I too have spent a fair amount of time in the NICU of my local hospitals where I have watched a baby take it's last breath - and I capture all that on camera as their story unfolds. In turn for the parents, I feel for the parents as they go home to an empty crib and somehow try to pack it all up and gently move on with their lives. Somehow though, when the dust begins to settle and recovery begins, I let them know their pictures are ready for viewing. When the parents view their portraits, they can begin to feel closure, yet hold their baby in their hearts and minds once again. For me as a photographer, it is a very humbling experience. It makes me appreciate the life I have and my loved ones so much more!
Thanks for taking the time to read my blog!
Tamara J.